On Friday 24 October, United Nations Day, GTAH and UAC led a large group of community leaders and concerned citizens from the New York metropolitan area in a walk of solidarity with the countries of West Africa currently suffering from the Ebola virus. The group marched from Times Square to a congregation point in Dag Hammarskjold Plaza opposite the United Nations where many speakers urged the New York State and City governments as well as the Federal Government not to forget the many thousands of affected persons in Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone who desperately need our help.
GTAH Founder and President, Mr. Gordon Tapper, addressed his remarks to the United States and all countries at the United Nations about the urgency of lending all possible help to West Africa in their fight against the scourge of Ebola. The affected countries cannot hope to win this fight alone he said. He stressed that the virus must be defeated at its source, and that we cannot just stick a finger in the dyke to stem the flow. The virus is now international and is travelling to Western countries by commercial flights.
Welcoming remarks were made by Dr. Mohammed Nurhussein, Chairman of the United African Congress, followed by brief comments from Dr. Tomislav Prvulovic, a veteran in the fight against Ebola and three-time Nobel Prize nominee in Medicine for his role in eradicating smallpox, a member of the medical committee of the coalition.
Notable among those present were The Union of Sierra Leonean Organizations (USLO) Inc., There Is No Limit Foundation, The United States Sierra Leonean Association (USSLA) Inc., and representatives from the Liberian Community and Guinean Community, as well as Dr. Edmund Bourke from SUNY Downstate who is also a member of the medical committee of the coalition. Some of the supporters who marched with the group had come from as far away as Kentucky and Texas.
Pleas for community and government action were made by Reverend Dr. L. Rouse of the United Methodist Church as well as by New York State Senator Bill Perkins.
Closing remarks and thanks to all present were made by Mr. Sidique Wai, President of the United African Congress.
Tags: ebola virus, Guinean Community, Liberia, Liberian Community, Sierra Leonean Community, United African Congress