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Posts Tagged ‘Water sources’

Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) Negotiations

June 29th, 2020

Gordon Tapper, GTAH Founder and current President of the United African Congress, joins with UAC Chairman, Mohammed Nurhussein MD, in an appeal to the African Union to facilitate negotiations between Ethiopia, Egypt and the Sudan with a view to finding a peaceful resolution to the matter of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam that Ethiopia has constructed and is getting ready to begin filling. The Blue Nile, which is almost entirely in Ethiopia, is the main source of the River Nile and Ethiopia has built a dam to provide water for agriculture and to provide electricity on a massive scale. Egypt, on the other hand, believes that the dam will seriously affect the flow of water into their country and has expressed the possibility of resolving the matter militarily if Ethiopia does not agree to fill the dam over a period of at least 15-years. Such eventuality needs to be avoided and mediated dialogue is the desirable solution.


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